Categories: Healthlife

Rage Yoga Is Definitely The Kind of Yoga You Should Know About

What is the kind of yoga you have heard or have an idea of? Probably a guru sitting front, dictating the moves while you practice them in a candlelit room with fresh aroma around, right?


All you imagine of the same is people being calm, quiet, and busy changing the poses and counting their breaths. But what if I tell you there is another way of yoga and we call it Rage Yoga.

Yeah, you probably would not have heard of this term before because it is way ahead of the yoga we practice in our daily life. Rage yoga involves chucking down the beer, cursing as much as you want with some great heavy metal music.


Lindsay Istace says she created this version of yoga for the modern badass people. There are people in the world who do not find their peace in quite.


They find their peace in alcohol, and away from the quite. For the same people, she created a new version of yoga. She said “It is definitely chaos but these people find their vibe in the chaos only. The generation has changed and the quite is no more inviting to all.”


Imagine the vibe with cursing, loud heavy metal music, and people yelling and definitely with booze around. It defiantly will be something great.


So what is the goal of this differently designed yoga? It is to find out the badass hidden inside a person and to give them a way to walk out of the closed doors and be a part of the world for who they really are.


Basically, it means you would no more have to hide inside the bathroom, wear your headphones with the right track playing in, and yell like no one is listening to make it right for you.


She says “No matter what, you will definitely get the amazing soundtrack, a healthier and free mind and the badass you are.”

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