Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Vision Test | Do You Have What It Takes To Spot The Differences?

This vision test is putting even the smartest and most eagle-eyed puzzlers in a frenzy.


Some challenges are sure to play with that mind of yours and this one happens to do just that. We are now putting forward that very same quiz in front of our viewers to see how far they can go. Good luck!

Remember, it’s all about getting that timing right and if you focus hard, we promise you’ll succeed! Good luck!

Source: Timeless Life

This vision test is asking you to spot as many differences as you can. While there may only be one, sometimes if you look a little harder, you’re sure to get them all. So, hurry up! We need you to succeed!


7 out of 10 viewers couldn’t complete the challenge in the given time limit! Do you think you can beat them all and get it right? Well, we’re cheering for you, every step of the way!

Hurry up, time is slowly but surely slipping away!



It’s answer time! Do you think you’ve managed to score all the way? Well, let’s see how well you’ve done in this one!

Difference number one is the tower’s flag! Difference number two is the tower’s window. Difference number three is the lines on the roof of the tower. Difference number four is different colored brick on the tower in the extreme right. Last but not least, the difference number five is the grass/leaves in the second picture. 


How long did it take you to get it right? Congratulations to all those who managed to do it in the blink of an eye!

For those who couldn’t perform too well, it’s time to move on to the next puzzle! Remember, practice makes perfect so good luck!


This viral challenge has your name written all over it! It’s a test for the most attentive ones out there but we’re curious to see how far our viewers can go!

Source: Small Joys

Here’s an individual who appears to be working in the comfort of his own home. He’s nice and cozy and really enjoying quality time with himself.


But wait, little does he know that there’s a major error present in there somewhere. Would you be kind enough to spot it out for him!

Remember, ten seconds is the time to beat! Good luck!


Source: Unsplash

If your answer was the lamp being unplugged yet still providing light, then congratulations! That is definitely a big mistake!


Be sure to SHARE this article with your loved ones and stay tuned for more similarly exciting ordeals!