Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

IQ Test | How Fast Can You Figure Out This Tricky Challenge?

Today’s array of challenges are designed to play with your mind and we sure do hope you’re in the mood for some mind-teasing fun.


Who knew puzzles like these could actually be so much fun? And if you’re just as excited as us to see what’s in store, then let’s not waste any more time and scroll down below.

This logical challenge is causing a stir online. Do you think you can give it a try and see where you stand?

Source: Timeless Life

As we promised, it’s not the easiest puzzle in the world. But it’s definitely going to be worth your while.


While only 75% of viewers managed to get this correct, we know our smart readers will do just great!

Are you done? Well, by now you should be. Scroll down below and let’s see how close you came to the puzzle’s solution!



It’s answer time! Let’s take a look at the final reveal!

The father is 41 years old and his son is 14 years old. Was that your answer too?

Congratulations to all those who got it correct on their first attempt. Now, let’s put our focus on the next challenge!

Source: Small Joys

Can you put your eyes to the test and figure out where the hidden fish lies in this image?

We promise it’s disguised in there somewhere.


Hurry up, time is surely ticking away! And we need you to succeed!


Source: Small Joys

Wow, that was certainly a tricky one! Let us know in the comments section how long it took you to complete this one.


How about trying your luck at puzzle number three! Let’s finish today’s series of challenges on a high. Good luck!

Source: Small Joys

While this serene image may appear picture perfect at first, there happens to be an error in there somewhere.


Can you figure out where the mistake lies? We’re counting on you to succeed so please work hard before taking a peek at the solution.


Source: Small Joys

Gondolas do NOT have any sails! This one was more about general knowledge. How well did you do?


If you found today’s puzzles fun, be sure to give them a SHARE with your loved ones. Bye for now!