Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Only 5% Of The Smartest Viewers Can Solve This! What About You?

They say a puzzle a day keeps the doctor away and we can’t help but agree!


Today’s challenge is playing with plenty of people’s minds and we’re so excited to see where you stand.

This logic test is sure to make you second-guess yourself because it’s not too simple at first. But if you really think outside the box, we bet you’ll get it right in no time.

Source: Small Joys

Here is an optical illusion that may seem super simple but you’ll be surprised to learn that the answer can tell if you’re a male or a female.


Sounds a little bizarre at first but trust us when we say, it’s a fun challenge. So, are you ready to give it a try?

Source: Unsplash

Now, all you need to do is tell us what do you see first? Is the person running towards you or far away?


Remember, ten seconds is all you have so hurry up!


If you chose the RUNNER APPROACHING YOU then that means you have more of a male brain. Moreover, it also means you are very curious about plenty of things in this world and enjoy the hurdles that life throws at you.


However, multitasking may not be your strength in this case. You probably struggle with trying to keep up with doing too many things at once. Instead, you probably do a better job at completing one task at a time.

Source: Unsplash

If you chose the RUNNER IS MOVING AWAY FROM YOU then that is a clear indication of how your brain is more like a female.


You’ve got analytics skills and reasoning behind the decisions you make in life. Not only are you a creative person but you’re a true multitasker who can handle several things at one time.

Source: Unsplash

We hope you learned something new and interesting today. These observations were delineated by experts from Fact Factories and we think they just might be spot on. What do you think?