Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Riddle Is Designed For The Best! But Can You Get It Correct?

This hilarious riddle is a little tricky and we hope our talented readers can work their magic and get it correct!


While some riddles are awfully simple at first glance, this just might be a little trickier than all others. Are you willing to give it a shot? If yes, let’s see how far you can go! Good luck!

Statistics for this riddle reveal how only 7 out of 10 puzzlers managed to solve this with ease. Scroll down below to see where you stand!

Source: Small Joys

As promised, this riddle is a true puzzle for those who like a little thrill and surprise in their lives. Let’s focus hard and put our best foot forward because some challenges are sure to play with your mind.


Are you done yet? If not, how about giving it one last try. We know you can do anything if you really work hard. Good luck!

Scroll down below to take a sneak peek at the solution.


It’s answer time. And if you guessed POCKETS then congratulations!

Source: Unsplash

Was that your solution too? If yes, then congratulations on a job well done. We know you’d come out on top!


Let’s move on to the next riddle! We promise it’s just as tricky and thrilling as the one shown above. Don’t forget, hard work is what really counts in the end. Happy solving!

Source: Small Joys

Here is a scenario featuring a number of people from the pre-historic era. While everything appears to be in place, there’s a twist. And that revolves around the fact that there is one person who doesn’t fit into the theme of the ancient past.


Yes, one person is from the future and we’d like you to figure out what that is!

Look carefully because they’re definitely in there somewhere.


Source: Small Joys

Wow, that was a little tricky! Did you get it right on your first attempt or not?


Be sure to SHARE today’s puzzles with your loved ones. After all, sharing is caring.