Categories: FunQuiz

How Quickly Can You Spot The ODD One Out? One Chicken Is Different Than The Rest!

Today is as good a day as any for taking a look at a flock of chickens and attempting to crack a viral puzzle in the process.


If you like visual tests and brainteasers that push you to your limits, you will simply love what we have in store for you today.

©OpenClipart-Vectors – Pixabay

Let’s start with our first challenge – spotting the odd chicken.


In the picture above, you can see sixteen seemingly identical birds. But what if we told you that one of them is slightly different from the rest? Could you find it in less than a minute? Could you spot the difference at all?


While the odds are definitely stacked against you, we know you shall succeed as long as you try your best and don’t give up.


Closely compare different parts of the chickens with each other and the answer will appear. Once you have it, scroll down and see the solution to make sure it’s correct!

©OpenClipart-Vectors – Pixabay

The chicken that you were looking for doesn’t have any stripes at the top of its right foot!


That’s enough chickens for now. Let’s try something else – fish!

In the puzzle below, you will see 16 koi fish with white and red patches across their slimy bodies.

©OpenClipart-Vectors – Pixabay

Once again, one of the animals in the picture is different from the rest. Spot it in less than a minute to pass this challenge and call yourself a puzzle master.


If you could use some help, here’s a big hint: one of the fish doesn’t have a red patch that all other fish have!

©OpenClipart-Vectors – Pixabay

Which of these puzzles posed a bigger problem? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brainteasers, follow us on Facebook!