Categories: FunQuiz

9 In 10 People Couldn’t Solve This Riddle! What About You?

If you enjoy spending your free time solving riddles, you’ll be happy to know we’ve prepared a series of challenges for you.


While most people couldn’t solve the riddles waiting for you ahead, we believe you can do it if only you focus really hard and put your brain to the work.

Here comes the first riddle!

Source – Pixabay

“What has one head, one foot, and four legs?”


To get to the correct answer, you’ll have to think outside the box. You probably don’t know any animal with one foot and four legs. So, what could the answer be?

Here’s a small hint from our side. The answer is a piece of furniture. A big one.


Scroll down to view the correct answer!

Source – Pixabay

Did you figure out the first riddle? The answer is BED! Here comes another fun challenge.


“Johnny throws a ball as hard as he can. It comes back to him, even though nothing and nobody touches it. How?”

Source – Pixabay

So, Johnny threw a ball and it came right back to him. Was this a work of magic? Or was it a special kind of ball? The answer is neither!


The correct answer is actually very simple – Just think about all the different ways one can throw a ball.

Source – Pixabay

As you’ve probably figured out, Johnny threw his ball straight up in the air and that’s why it came right back to him.


Time for one last riddle for today. Are you ready?

“Mary’s father has five daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughter’s name?”

Source – Pixabay

What’s your final answer? Please don’t tell us it’s Nunu!


The correct answer, of course, is Mary! Read the first part of the riddle again – the answer was hiding there the entire time.

What are your thoughts on these brain teasers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and riddles, follow us on Facebook!