Categories: FunQuiz

90% Of People Failed To Spot The Odd One Out In This Picture! How About You?

A picture puzzle or two a day can help you boost your visual skills and improve your cognitive abilities according to experts.


If you’re in simply for the fun, that’s okay too! Today, we’ve prepared a series of brainteasers that will put your patience to the test. Are you ready to get started?


In the image above, you can see a bunch of portraits showing the same man striking the same pose. One of the icons, however, happens to be different.


If you spot the odd one out in less than one minute you pass the first challenge. Once you’re sure you’ve got it, check out the solution below!


The man at the bottom left side of the picture is smiling. The others are way too serious!


Now that the warm-up is complete, it’s time to move on to a more challenging test. This time, you’ll be looking for a silhouette that matches the appearance of the mosquito on the left.


How quickly can you identify the correct shadow? Just imagine that you get a mosquito bite once every 10 seconds you spend looking for the right answer. This should speed things up!


While most people need at least a minute to solve this puzzle, eagle-eyed viewers managed to crack it in less than twenty seconds.


Time for the last challenge – and perhaps the most daunting task so far.


Below you can see two side-by-side images that appear identical at the first glance. There are, in fact, several differences that you should spot in less than one minute.

The rules are simple: spot all six differences in 60 seconds to pass the test. Can you beat the odds?


Make sure you’ve put in your best effort before checking out the solution below. Remember, finding all six differences is the only way to beat this puzzle with a perfect score!



Which of these puzzles proved the hardest for you? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brainteasers and mind tests, follow us on Facebook!