Categories: FunQuiz

90% Of People Couldn’t Find The ERROR In This Picture! But Can You Spot It?

If you’re ready to take on a challenge that proved too hard for most people, you’ve come to the right place.


It’s time to get your eyes and your patience tested with the help of two picture puzzles that have been circulating social media and leaving viewers confused.

First, take a close look at the picture below and try to spot an error in less than 30 seconds!


In the picture, you can see three kids swimming in a pool together with their instructor. While the youngest is being supervised by the woman, the other two kids are enjoying the warm water nearby.


It appears that the group is swimming in an indoor pool, whereas two of the kids are wearing caps to keep their hair dry.

But not everything in the picture is as it should be. Can you spot the big error?

Source – Pixabay

Have you found the mistake yet? If not, make sure you’ve tried your best before you scroll any further.


We assure you that the mistake is hiding in plain sight and once you see it you won’t be able to unsee it anymore!

Here it comes:


There’s a fish swimming in the pool that’s supposed to be for people only!


If this first test was too easy for you, worry not, because we are not done yet. This second puzzle is not only much harder but you also have just 20 seconds to spot the mistake if you wish to pass.

Are you ready?


In the picture above, you can see a mother cradling her baby in a hospital room. She is lying in her bed while her doctor is standing nearby with a smile on his face.


But something in that picture isn’t right – somewhere in there is a minor mistake that most people can’t find!

Keep on looking and make sure to check your answer below once you’re done.



How fast did you spot the errors? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!