Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Answer This Mind-Teasing Puzzle?

Another day is just another brilliant way of improving yourself.


Let’s start today on a high and make our way to the puzzle in store. While most people couldn’t find the correct answer within the designated time limit, we know that our intelligent viewers will be able to do it with ease.

So, are you ready to put those mind and observation skills on display? We sure do hope so! Good luck!

Source: Timeless Life

We need you to find the odd orange out from this crowd! Can you do it? We sure do hope so!

Come on, give it one more last try before giving up. This one deserves true focus and concentration and we hope you all come out as winners in the end!



Source: Timeless Life

If you got that correct in the blink of an eye then congratulations! You are a smart cookie for sure!


Keeping the mental fun theme going, let’s move on and see what’s next. Remember, it’s the holiday season and that’s why we’re making sure our riddles incorporate just that!

Do you have what it takes to find Santa and his naughty elf in this blissful winter scene?

Source: Timeless Life

Remember you’re not searching for one but two things hidden in this image. First, it’s Santa and next is his little elf that’s in there somewhere.


Both these holiday-themed characters are doing wonders at disguising themselves in this wintery scene. And we feel that if you work hard you’ll spot them with ease!

By now, we hope you’ve found the right answer. After all, the time limit to beat was 10 seconds.


Here’s the right solution!

Source: Timeless Life

How close did you come to our solution? Let us know in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the story with others as well.