Categories: Quiz

Can You Spot The Sailor’s Wife In This Vintage Image? Only 2% Of Viewers Succeeded!

A vintage image showing a sailor gazing into the distance with a telescope has been making rounds on the internet.


At first glance, the image below features nothing more than a young man standing on the shore and using a telescope to scout the vast sea beyond. But if you look very closely, you might just spot another figure hiding somewhere in there…


As it happens, the man is searching for his wife. He doesn’t know that she’s been very, very close to him this entire time!


To spot the young woman, be ready to tilt your head around and use your imagination. Remember, not everything is as it seems at first sight!

If you can’t find it, don’t despair – most people struggle with this optical illusion. Feel free to check the correct response below.



If this task was too hard for you, we have here another challenge that will help you boost your visual skills and train your eyes to detect hidden objects.


This time, you’re looking at a black-and-white image featuring blobs of color scattered across the canvas in a seemingly unconnected pattern.

Source – Pinterest

While you may not see anything specific at first, there is a hidden figure hiding in this picture. Find it in one minute to pass the test!


If you need some help, here’s a hint: you’re looking for a dog that is walking around the park and sniffing the ground. The owner must be nearby because the dog is wearing a collar!


Source – Pinterest

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