Categories: FunQuiz

How Fast Can You Spot The MAN Hiding In This Picture? 90% Of Viewers Couldn’t See Him!

A photo of a beautiful mountainous scene has gone viral after viewers were dared to try and spot a hidden man.


Whether by choice or chance, one guy managed to blend in perfectly with his surroundings while posing for a picture during a hike.

©Pentium95 – Reddit

“Taking a picture of my trail — my brother was ahead of me,” the Reddit user who shared the photo online wrote.


Soon enough, baffled viewers asked for help in spotting the brother after failing to see anything but rocks and greenery in the snap.

The question remains – Can you spot the man in less than one minute?

Source – Pixabay

Have you found him yet? Here are a few clues from our side. The man is fully visible to the camera all the way from his feet to his head.


He appears to be wearing khaki pants and a black sweater and blends in perfectly with the rock formation in the center of the photo.

Once you’re done looking for him, check the correct response below!


©Pentium95 – Reddit

As you can see, the man was right in front of you this entire time!

If you could use some more visual training, check out the photo below as well. This time, you’re looking for a hidden cat.

©Jennifericious – Reddit

The kitten is looking straight at you and it’s quite big! Check carefully between the clothes and on top of the shelves to spot it.


If you wish to beat 99% of the viewers, make sure you find the feline in less than 20 seconds!

©Jennifericious – Reddit

Which of these photos gave you more trouble? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more fun tests and challenges, follow us on Facebook!