Categories: Quiz

9 Out Of 10 People Couldn’t Spot All The BOOKS In This Picture! But Can You?

A picture puzzle has gone viral after viewers were challenged to try and spot all of the hidden books.


If you like puzzles, keep on liking them! They’re a great source of fun and may help you boost your cognitive abilities and visual skills if you enjoy them regularly.

Today, we have a series of special puzzles waiting for you. Are you ready?


In the first picture, you can see a young couple enjoying a sunny day in the park. They have a blanket laid out on the ground and a food basket on top of it.


Behind the pair, you may have also noticed a park ranger who is happily patrolling the area.

Somewhere in this lovely scene, there are also several hidden books. Can you find them all in less than a minute?

Source – Pixabay

How many books have you already found? If the answer is anything less than 5, keep on looking! There are five books in the picture, and you’ll have to look really closely to spot them all.


Once you’ve tried your best, scroll down to see the solution.


Now that you’ve found the books, it’s time for a different kind of task.


This time, your job is to take a close look at the three ladies below and find out which one is a fake princess.


Only two of the ladies are real princesses, whereas the third is an alien in disguise!


If you have a problem finding the alien, here are a few tips that might help. Aliens are usually portrayed as green. The alien in question blew its cover by forgetting to disguise one of its body parts.

Give it your best shot and check out the solution below once you’re done.



What are your thoughts on these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more challenges and tests, follow us on Facebook!