Categories: FunQuiz

Find The Odd One Out In 10 Seconds! One Of These Animals Doesn’t Belong In The Group

We’re back with another set of adorable picture puzzles that have taken over the internet by storm.


Most people can’t say no to a good challenge, and for that reason, we’ve prepared a series of brainteasers that will put your logical thinking and observation skills to the test.

Let’s get going!


In the picture above, you can see four animals including a cat, an elephant, a frog, and a whale. While these animals don’t have all that much in common, only one of them doesn’t belong in the group.


Can you figure out which of the animals doesn’t belong and why? The answer is easy, but it can also be tricky so give it some time before you share your findings with others!

Source – Pixabay

What’s your final answer? You probably picked the whale, didn’t you? If so, think again because that’s definitely not the correct response!


Once you’re done, scroll down to verify your answer.


The correct answer is the frog. All other animals in the picture are mammals, whereas frogs are amphibians!


If you figured this one out, good job! And if not, worry not, because you have another chance to prove yourself waiting for you below.


Once again, your job is to find the odd one out. This time, you’ll be choosing from a group of four objects including a coat, a scarf, gloves, and shorts.


One of these garments doesn’t belong in the group for a very good reason. The answer has something to do with seasons, but we can tell you no more than that.

Put your brain cells to work and scroll down once your answer is ready!



The answer is shorts! They’re typically worn during summer while gloves, scarves, and coats count as winter clothes.


What are your thoughts on these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more tests and challenges, follow us on Facebook!