Categories: Quiz

Visual Puzzle: Which Shadow Belongs To Santa?

How good is your eyesight?


Let’s test your observational skills and attentiveness with this visual quiz!

You might think, that this brainteaser is too easy to even be worth your time, but do not assume anything yet as this test is harder than you think!

Why solving puzzles are beneficial


Puzzles, such as the one we have for you below, need to harness your full brain power to solve it. It will keep your brain stimulated giving you a fun and relaxing break at the same time.

Brainteasers also help to improve your memory and boost your concentration. And most importantly, constant mental training with puzzles of all kinds can also delay brain illnesses.


Now that you know why brainteasers are beneficial, let’s get back to the challenge!

The visual test below will challenge the two of the most important organs of our body — our brain and our eyes!

Remember, if you get stuck in the middle, don’t worry. The answer is provided at the bottom of this article. However, we recommend giving it a real try, and don’t peek just yet!


Are you ready? Let’s go!

Which shadow belongs to Santa?

Depositphotos.com / Brightside.me











Do you have an answer already? Try to take a closer look again to make sure that your answer is right:

Depositphotos.com / Brightside.me

So, how good are your eyes? Let’s find the answer together!











The Answer


The correct shadow for Santa is the letter C!

Depositphotos.com / Brightside.me

If you enjoyed solving the puzzle above, why not try another one?


The second brainteaser, which was posted on the Brightside website, features a shape sequence. However, the fifth square is missing.

The instruction in cracking this puzzle is simple. Players just need to figure out which square will complete the sequence.


Ready? Let’s go!

Which square will complete the sequence?

Depositphotos.com / Brightside.me











The Answer


The correct answer is the letter E!

Depositphotos.com / Brightside.me

Challenge your friends and pass the quiz to them to see if they can solve it as fast as you can! Share this quiz now!