Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Math Puzzle Is Designed To Play With Your Mind! But Can You Do It?

Are you a part of the smartest 5% of puzzlers who found it difficult to solve this tricky math challenge?


The word math spells a nightmare for so many of us. But if truth be told, you should definitely share a riddle with your friends and loved ones if you found it worth your while.

This next challenge is all about enjoying and making the most of a game that screams viral fun from so many miles away. All in all, it’s just one of those occasions that allows you to make the most of your brain cells but leaving quite a few viewers stumped along the way.

Source: Daily Courses

While we don’t think it’s the most challenging math-themed riddles by miles, it’s definitely got its fair share of tricky bits.


But remember, if you don’t like numbers or think anything to do with them is a hassle, then you just might need to stand a few miles away.

On most occasions, math sums are easier than you think. But the sudden aura of solving numbers here and there has so many in awe.

Source: Harvard Business Review

For this particular challenge, you don’t need to apply any order of operations. However, keeping an eye out for the little clues is definitely something you need to do. So let’s not waste any more time and take a look at what the internet is talking about!


The tricky challenge

Baseball lovers will love this scenario. Okay, first things first. The puzzle states that one baseball set is for $50 as a whole. However, that very same baseball bat costs $49 more than the actual ball itself. Now, it’s up to you to decide how much do they each cost!

Source: Wake Up Your Mind

The right solution

Do you think your answer matches ours? Well, there’s only one simple way to figure that out! Look down below and see how you did!

Source: HR Magazine

The right answer is $0.50 for the ball and $49.50 for the baseball bat. 

Stay tuned for more similarly-themed challenges that are guaranteed to be worth your while!