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The Cutest Friendship Between A Puppy And A Baby Horse As They Nap And Cuddle Together


A friendship between species is not that uncommon although you don’t see it happen all the time.


But the trick is to start them out young because there is an innocence about this vulnerable state that transcends barriers and allow special friendships to develop.

Watch the friendship between a puppy and a baby horse.

[rumble video_id=v5tba1 domain_id=u7nb2]


Video credit: Rumble

It’s likely because the instincts that are hard-wired into an animal’s genes are not yet fully developed when that animal is just a few weeks old. And when an unlikely friendship forms, it can just be the cutest thing to behold.

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In this case, we see a puppy cuddling with a colt who is contentedly lying down on the grass.point 181 | The puppy continues to squirm and is probably having a good time because as the camera zooms closer, we can hear her uttering those cute puppy sounds that signal happiness and comfort.point 334 |


Of course, that little noise wasn’t enough to disturb the baby horse as it continued to snooze away unmindful of what was happening around it.point 124 | 1

This special pairing can only happen in an environment that fosters an ethical treatment of animals because animals cannot be complacent when they are constantly stressed about their surroundings. The fact that the colt and the puppy left themselves in a vulnerable position speaks well about the area that they are in.


While they are of different species, it probably shouldn’t be surprising that the pup and the baby horse instinctively got along. After all, dogs and horses both love nature and exercise. They are also loyal, generous, and noble animals, so having these traits in common probably goes a long way in making them accept each other even at a young age.


Assuming that they grow up together, these two will surely complement each other with the dog running interference so that the horse can gallop where it wants without fear that other animals (or even humans) might interfere. After all, dogs are protective by nature and complement the horse’s trusting nature.


One benefit for the horse is that it will grow up getting used to the dog’s bark. Of course, dogs also like sneaking around so the owners should teach the dog to respect the horse’s space like the stable. Horses can easily get spooked so it’s important not to introduce anything that would agitate them.


