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Pulley Brain Teaser: Who Has To Be Stronger To Pull The Bucket?

There are so many brain teasers on the Internet, and this one is included.


Can you figure out which one person has to be stronger in order to pull their buckets? There are a bunch of contraptions as one can see, and some have one pulley, some have two, some have even three pulleys. The question is, are the pulleys holding down the person who is pulling, or are they contributing to the weight of how much the person can pull?


It also plays into the fact that each person has individual strengths. But for this puzzle, imagine that they all have the same strength, and it is dependent on the factors of the pulleys included for each bucket given to them.


You don’t have to think too hard, there is no weight given to any of the buckets so it will be difficult to define specific reasons as to why each person will have a different strength. Based on what you see right now, who has to be stronger? Who looks like they are pulling more than the other?


Taking a closer look, it seems as if they are all angled the same. There are differences, but for the sake of keeping the quiz going, we will not reveal the answer. Users can argue why their point is right, and by using physics as a logical reasoning, they can figure it out without us having to reveal the answer.


So did you get it, or are you still stuck? Don’t worry, you can check what other people say to formulate your own answer. We are also stuck on this brain teaser. Good luck on those who are still trying to figure out the answer! It might be easier for those who love physics! If not, there are other quizzes for you to try out!