Categories: Familylife

Premature Baby Saved His Weak Twin Brother By Cuddling And Hugging Him

A mother has spoken out about her preemie babies and claimed that her son saved the life of his frail twin brother by hugging him tightly while the two were in an incubator.


As 28-year-old mum Hannah Zimunya from Wales, UK, explained, her twins were born at just 25 weeks into her pregnancy.

Kerry Elsworth – Mercury Press

Immediately, however, an “unbreakable bond” was formed between the twins, whereas their mother claims her healthier son kept on comforting his frail brother by hugging him.


Initially, the boys were rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit where they were wrapped in plastic bags and linked to breathing machines.

Kerry Elsworth – Mercury Press

14 weeks later, the healthier boy’s condition improved and he was allowed to go home. As for Dylan’s frail brother, Deiniol, his health continued to worsen.


When the family was told to say goodbye to little Deiniol, Hannah and her husband Xavi arranged for the two boys to be together one more time.

According to the mother, Deiniol’s condition started improving drastically after the boy spent just a few minutes cuddling and hugging with his brother.

Kerry Elsworth – Mercury Press

For the following few days, the parents and the doctors continued to allow the twins to spend more time together until Deiniol was well enough to be put off the ventilator.


Fortunately, the boy recovered completely and was sent home 7 months later.

“You don’t expect both of your babies to be taken away from you almost as soon as you’ve given birth to them, even worse that they were transferred to a completely different hospital nearly 60 miles away,” Hannah said.

Kerry Elsworth – Mercury Press

“When we took Dylan back to Bolton they were put together in the same incubator for a cuddle for a few minutes. It was incredible, somehow Dylan, by just being there, managed to help Deiniol – he made him better.


“I wasn’t expecting that at all and neither were the nurses and doctors. Within two days Deiniol was taken off his ventilator completely, it really was a miracle.

Kerry Elsworth – Mercury Press

“He saved his life with a cuddle, it was brilliant to watch and it showed all of us that they should never have been separated. That bond between twins really does exist.”


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