Categories: FamilyHealthlife

Premature Baby Was Born Weighing Only ONE Pound, Months Later He Goes Home Healthy And Happy

Finn came into the world weighing only just 1 pound, and his incredible fight for survival inspires millions of people all over the world.


Chris and Jessica have spent nine years of going through in vitro fertilization to have a baby with their sperm and egg. Their attempts were all ineffective that they decided to consider embryo adoption.


Jessica, who carried Baby A and Baby B, was only 10 weeks into her embryo adopted pregnancy when she lost the second baby.


She then reached week 24 with Baby A (Finn) when her water suddenly broke, and little Fin came into the world weighing only one pound.


His weight meant he was a micro-preemie and he was required to stay in the hospital for a long time.


The little one fought for his life on his very first day. Finn was then transferred to the level four NICU unite at Nemours Children’s Hospital.

Jessica felt as if she had failed her baby as when she was carrying him, she felt like she was giving him protection. But when he was born, he was transferred to another area of the hospital.


It was a constant battle for little Finn during the next few months. He underwent two surgeries, one for a condition called necrotizing enterocolitis and the other was for a hole in his heart.


Jessica only got to hold her baby for the first time after one month.


As little Finn became 4 months old, he was released from the hospital weighing 5 pounds and 5 ounces!


Despite everything he went through, Jessica says Finn always has a smile on his face. After all, he managed to beat all odds and he has earned the name ‘Fighting Finn.’


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