Categories: life

Postman Told He Cannot Wear His Dog-Biting-Bum Costume Because Of Sensitivity

A Lincolnshire postman dressed up in a weird costume has been asked to stop wearing it by Royal Mail because his silly costume lacked sensitivity.


The costume is nothing but a big inflatable suit with a dog biting on the backside.


However, Royal Mail did not see the funny side because the postal service employees actually get bitten by canines quite frequently.


So, even though Michael Nelhams was simply trying to amuse people on the community during this difficult lockdown period, he has been asked to do it while wearing a different costume.


Some residents where Nelhams lives, in the seaside village of Mablethorpe in Lincolnshire, have alleged that someone had complained about his costume, but Royal Mail has not confirmed that until now.


However, the company has presented its wish regarding Nelhams finding alternative ways to try and keep the spirits of people living in his community high.


A spokesperson of Royal Mail said that over the past few weeks, they had been overwhelmed with pictures and messages from their customers in the country in praise of the extended length their postmen/postwomen had been going during coronavirus crisis to raise their spirits and money for charities.


They added that they were aware that local communities valued what their postwomen/postmen were doing in the challenging times and noted that they were really proud of them.


It was further added that the company has asked their employees on rare occasions to show sensitivity in the choice of their costumes and revealed that the past year, 2,484 dogs had attacked postwomen and postmen across the U.K., and some of them resulted in severe injuries.


Although Nelhams, has been asked to redesign his way of morale-boosting, he noted that he would continue trying to bring a smile on the people on his rounds. He revealed that he would still be going out dressed up in funny costumes but would not wear the dog-biting-bum one.


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