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A Backyard Pool Loaded On A Truck Trailer Over Turned Accidentally But Luckily No One Got Injured

Most of the time we eyewitness some unexpected things on unexpected occasions and even while driving which is either hilarious or breathtaking.


Watch swimming pool loaded on a truck trailer putting a question mark on the safety of vehicles

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In this clip, the trailer is seen on a road where a pool was loaded on the truck. The transporter loaded the pool on truck and did not pay heed to its safety and security.


This video was captured by the persons sitting in the car behind the trailer. They were predicting an accident or something like that and the safety of the other transport was also on stake.

Source: ViralHog

The swimming pool in which the truck driver was loading was larger than the truck and the movement of the truck was like swirling and sailing.


The pool was of more weight than the truck and it was not fastened properly. The condition of the pool on the trailer made the people conscious as if the trailer was about to collapse or overturn accidentally.

Source: ViralHog

The people sitting in the car observed this truck when they were traveling to the north island of Florianopolis.


They just captured the truck in a video and had no idea that it will fall and will be captured. But the driver was lucky that vehicles or cars were saved from damage.

But what the driver did after the pool turned over was unlawful and unethical. He picked the pool and on the truck again and continued the journey.

Source: ViralHog

The pool could have overturned again and it could damage the nearby vehicles but the driver did not pay heed to it.


Police must have been there to witness the act of that driver. But the police and authorities cannot roam around to see if a person is following the regulations or not.

Drivers do not think of the fact that they can hurt someone or any injury can occur to a car because of this act.

Source: ViralHog

For this reason, the drivers must be taught safety lessons for other vehicles along with theirs but nobody thinks about it.


Have you ever given a second thought while driving? We think that nothing will happen and we will be safe eventually.

What you think about it and what are your views about such kinds of drivers and driving. Do let us know in the comments section below.



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