Categories: Familylifenews

Police Officers Helped Deliver Baby After Stopping Driver Who Told Them His Wife Was In Labor

Police officers were praised for their actions after helping deliver a baby whose mother had gone into labor before the ambulance arrived.


The incident occurred in Northampton, UK, where the Northamptonshire’s Road Crime Team stopped a driver whose car was flagged for not having insurance.

©Northamptonshire Police

After the police approached the driver, the man told them he was rushing home because his wife had just called him and told him she had gone into labor.


With the ambulance still far and the baby not willing to wait any longer, the police quickly escorted the man home and found out that the woman was ready to give birth.

Source – Pixabay

Just minutes after their arrival, PCs Sandra Payne and James Condon successfully helped the couple deliver baby Harris.


“An ambulance was called, but baby wasn’t going to wait – he wanted to come out ASAP!” The police wrote in a tweet following the delivery.

©Northamptonshire Police

“A few minutes later, baby Harris arrived, delivered by two of our police officers who were talked through it by the incredible Maternity Ward at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust.”


Following the birth of Harris, it was also revealed that everything was okay with the car insurance policy of the baby’s father. Eventually, the ambulance also showed up and took over the care of the newborn.

©Northamptonshire Police

Praising the officers for going out of their way and help deliver the baby was Chief Inspector Tom Thompson who suggested the family now has a story to remember.


“Well done Sandra and James – this will definitely be a story baby Harris’ parents will remember for a long time to come,” he said.

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