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Police Officers Are Joining Demonstrators On Peaceful Protests Around The Country

Police officers from several major US cities have joined protesters in peaceful marches following the unjust death of George Floyd who passed out and died after a police officer knelt on his knee.


To prove that peaceful protests comprised of both the regular people as well as authorities are possible, officers from several states including Michigan, Missouri, and New Jersey have taken to the streets together with the protesters.

©AP / ©Camden County Police

As the police have gathered in the cities of Flint, Ferguson, and Camden, they have joined the demonstrators in marching and wielding signs.


One of the men in uniform who went viral was Camden County Police Chief Joe Wysocki who joined the Camden City march to honor George Floyd.

“Chief Wysocki on the march today, standing together with the residents we serve to remember and honor George Floyd,” Camden County Police wrote on Twitter where they shared a photo of the police chief in uniform.

©Camden County Police – @CamdenCountyPD – Protest In Camden, New Jersey

Speaking of the peaceful protest, Wysocki told The Associated Press that the force is working on policing through “de-escalation and dialogue.”


“Yesterday was another example of our ongoing engagement, and a very real dialogue, that we are having with residents throughout Camden that has made our agency part of the fabric of this city,” the chief expressed.

“We know that together we are stronger, we know that together, in the city of Camden, we can create a space where policing is focused on de-escalation and dialogue.”


Meanwhile, police officers in Ferguson surprised the protesters outside a police station as they joined them in bending the knee to honor George Floyd.

©@HIPorg – Twitter – Protest In Ferguson, Missouri

In Flint, Michigan, several officers as well as Genesee County Sheriff Christopher Swanson shocked the protesters as they arrived at the march only to remove their helmets and batons and join them in solidarity.

©Mid-Michigan NOW – Twitter – Protest In Flint, Michigan

“The only reason we’re here is to make sure that you got a voice, that’s it!” Swanson said as he addressed the crowd.

©AP – Protest In Flint, Michigan

He also went on to explained to the protesters that the disgraced officer Derek Chauvin, who has been charged with third-degree murder of George Floyd, is not a representation of other officers around the country.


“These cops love you!” he added before the police walked with the demonstrators.

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