Categories: Animals/Petslife

The Bristol Police Department’s Therapy Dog, Brody, Dozes Off During His Entire Swearing-In Ceremony

Meet the three-month-old chocolate brown Labrador retriever pup, Brody, who recently became the new K-9 comfort canine for Bristol Police Department.


Brody had an entire swearing-in ceremony of his own but he decided to sleep on the early Monday morning instead.

On April 6th, in the early hours of the morning, Bristol Police Department held a swearing-in ceremony to commemorate Brody’s inclusion in the team.


The special event was live-streamed and included the ceremony with the thank you speech by Brody’s on-duty partner, Officer Medeiros, and a small Q&A session.


However, Brody was dozing off the entire time. The pup looked extremely adorable and won people’s hearts by his cuteness.


In the video, which includes the entire ceremony, a special moment is also recorded where this new officer changes his position and slept in a more comfortable position, which made everyone laugh a little.


Officer Medeiros noted that he was inspired by their department’s Chief who wanted to include a K9 unit.


He, then, started researching patrol K9s, like narcotics and bomb detection and noted some information on Facebook’s police comfort dogs group for New England.


Then he made contact with David and Peggi Brogan who own Rindge’s Boonefield Labradors in New Hampshire and who donate Labradors to the police departments interested in starting a similar type of program.


He said that after conducting research for many weeks as well as making contacts in New England, he put up a proposal and presented it to the Chief who supported him and the program from the beginning.


The puppy is named after combining Rhode Island (Rhody) and Bristol (B), which makes Brody. The Officer is a school resource officer who is responsible for every school in Bristol.


He noted that he sees numerous opportunities for Brody the dog, who will be serving to help young individuals as the K-9 therapy dog.

The plans to introduce Brody to veteran’s homes, the local university, community events, and seniors are also there but due to COVID-19, such operations are stopped for the while.


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