Categories: DIYHealthlife

These 9 Bedroom Plants Can Help You Sleep Better Every Night

We all have faced the adverse effects of not getting proper sleep, from the performance of next day decreasing drastically to even falling asleep while doing majorly important tasks.


But it is not just the activities of the next day which gets affected by the lack of proper sleep; our health is affected severely too.

But what are you supposed to do if you can’t fall asleep, even after trying every method in the ways-to-fall-asleep-booklet? I’ll make your search easier. In this post, I will tell you about 9 plants which will help you sleep better at night. Just keep these plants in a pot in your room and sleep peacefully.

  1. French Lavender

People in olden times used to stuff their pillows with lavender for a good night’s sleep. Place a French Lavender pot in your room and get help sleeping at night. It makes you sleep better by easing your anxiety. Lavenders are also used to alleviate toothaches, headaches and joint pains.

  1. Peace Lilies

The leaves of peace lilies act as a room freshener by absorbing pollutants. It releases oxygen in the environment and absorbs all the unsafe gases.

  1. Golden Potho

It improves quality of air by eliminating carbon monoxide from the air, which helps you sleep better at night.

  1. Snake Plant

Formaldehyde is a noxious chemical which is the cause of irritation and coughing. Snake plant helps to get rid of this chemical. Snake plant is also known as bedroom plant as it boosts excellence of indoor air.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera enhances air quality by removing harmful chemicals from the air and giving off oxygen, letting you sleep more easily. Its functions are approved by NASA.

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine calms the mind by reducing anxiety levels, while you sleep. There is an advantage of keeping Jasmine in your room, it increases your alertness when you wake up, because of the odor it releases.

  1. English Ivy:

Easy to grow in dry environments, it is a perfect plant to keep in your room. It helps in curing chest pain and fevers caused by allergies.

  1. Gardenia

Its effects are same as that of valium which is an anti-anxiety drug. Gardenia plant if kept in the room can act as a perfect substitute for sleeping pills.

  1. Gerbera Daisy

This beautiful plant cleans the air from pollutants and increases the oxygen levels in air helping you to sleep peacefully. Not just that, just take a look at it when you wake up, its vibrant color will brighten up your mood in the morning, promising a perfect day ahead.


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