Categories: Animals/Petslife

Adorable Pit Bull Dramatically Pretends To Faint To Avoid Getting Nails Trimmed

A cure pit bull tried to avoid having her nails cut by pretending to faint before the first snip! The pooch’s adorable performance went viral after it was posted on Reddit.


The video shows the dog ignoring her owner who was showing a nail clipper.

She then gave her front paw and just as the woman was about to trip her nail, the witty pooch decided to perform an act.


The furry animal toppled over in slow motion and pretended to be unconscious. She rolled all the way onto the floor and stayed still with her legs up in the air.


Many viewers commented on the post praising the funny performer for her amazing attempt to avoid getting her nails trimmed.

One internet user wrote: “What a sweet little girl. Whether she was trained or not doesn’t matter to me. I enjoyed the show!”


Another said: “Never under estimate the stunts your dog (S) are capable of when they want something or don’t want to cooperates. Magic. Part of the joy of owning (Questionable) these animals.”


A third shared: “Our lad is one of those dogs who walks on his pads so his nails do not get filed down naturally, they have to be cut. Unfortunately he hates having his front paws messed with or touched in any way. Last time he went to the vets for this, they had to sedate him because he fought so hard!”


What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this hilarious story with your family and friends!

