Categories: Animals/Petslife

Pet Pit Bull Attacked 3-Year-Old Boy And Left Him With Facial Nerve Damage

A heartbroken mother shared how she struggled to look at her 3-year-old son after he was attacked by their family’s pet dog, leaving him with large wounds across his face.


28-year-old Sarah Fuller from Oregon was at work while her parents were watching over her son, Micajah. She then received a horrifying phone call from her mom telling her that her precious son had been mauled by their pit bull, Bobo.


Sarah immediately left work and rushed to the hospital where Micajah was admitted. “My son wasn’t in full time day care at the time, so I was having him watched by my family. I was actually at work at the time when I got the horrific call from my mum,” she expressed.


“It was about half one on 12 May when he was attacked by the family dog we had for nine years.”

When she arrived, a nurse told her she couldn’t enter the room until her son had been bandaged up because his injuries were severely shocking.


Sarah first found it difficult to look at her son without crying. “It was very hard to look at my son after this happened because I just wanted to cry, I felt so hopeless and sad for my son. I held a very positive attitude and knew that it could have been worse, and I’m just blessed he was alive,” she shared.


Her family had owned Bobo for nine years.

Micajah underwent facial reconstruction surgery because of the punctures from the bite going through his cheek. It tore back his gums, pulled out his tooth, and stretched the nerves in his face.


The three-year-old also underwent gum grafting and will need to undergo further facial surgery.

“There was a lot of emotions and I was forced to put him in school full time. Because I refused to send him back over there,” Sarah said. “My parents took all liability for the dog attack but since it’s my parents, I did not sue them. My family means a lot to me and all I have is my parents.”


According to the family, Bobo never once showed any signs of aggression. Sarah now wants to stress the importance of keeping dogs away from small children even though they seem harmless.


“Keep all dogs away from kids even if you feel they won’t hurt them, dogs are naturally wild and we had no signs of our family dog being aggressive,” she said.

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