Categories: Culturelife

This Guy’s Instagram Is Full Of Trash Pictures That He Picked Up

While we are busy in our own life, we forget that there are plenty of problems in the world that needs our attention and they should be solved.


Pollution, especially plastic, is one of the biggest issues of our society and despite so many people fighting the good fight, you still see people throwing their candy wrappers or coke bottles out in the open. 

One Instagram account shows that it’s all in our hands (literally).


Peterpicksuptrash” is an Instagram page where Peter posts photos of trash he picks up. He describes every photo with a beautiful short message. He shows how easy it is for him to pick up the trash. “Walked a very short distance to eat lunch. Picked up this trash on the sidewalk and then I threw it away. This was very easy to do,” one of the photo descriptions read.


Bored Panda talks to Peter and he said that he “caught” this habit of picking up trash around 2 years ago. “I would walk to lunch most days, and I always walked past trash, literally within inches of my feet,” he recalled, “I would pass other people walking past the same trash, and they would walk right past it […,] so one day I just decided to pick it up, one handful at a time”.


Here are some of the posts from his Instagram:


“This stuff was all directly in front of me as I walked to lunch. It took very little effort to pick it up and throw it away. So I did. This was very easy to do.”




“This trash was on the ground. So, I picked up this trash and threw it away. This was very easy to do.”


“Weird stuff on the sidewalk today: a pretty new snorkel, a seemingly nice reusable fork, a whole (moldy) meal; and of course various plastic wrappers/containers. Still, I picked them up and threw them away. This was very easy to do.”


“Picking this trash up and throwing it away took less than 15 seconds out of my day. This was very easy to do.”


“This stuff was on the sidewalk, right in front of me. Instead of walking past it, I picked it up and threw it away. This was very easy to do.”


Peter confirmed that his family and friends know about his habit and they think that it’s both, a simple as well as awesome idea.point 112 | “It’s quite easy to do and just about everyone can contribute on their own time, in their own way,” he reiterates how simple it is and how easily people can contribute, as it doesn’t require “scheduling or planning; physical exertion or mental anguish; a degree, a job, whatever”, it just needs someone to pick up trash when they see it.point 422 |


“If we save one animal from swallowing something it shouldn’t (that we humans made/discarded) and prevent its unnecessary death, or help one part of the ecosystem stay healthy, then it is entirely worth it,” Peter concludes.point 203 |


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