Categories: Entertainmentlife

Personal Trainer Said He Needs To Use The Parking Spaces For Parent-And-Child Because Of His Size

Channel 5

A personal trainer named Chris Goodwin, who is known by the nickname ‘the Greek Stallion’, says the parent-and-child bays are his ‘only option’ due to his size.


The bodybuilder appeared on Channel 5’s Britain’s Parking H*ll 2020, where he told the cameras he would likely hit other cars if he used a normal-sized space.

He said: “I’m a muscle-model champion. I’m a beast. Even if there are parking bays, I never bloody use them.


“I’ll just go and park in the same parent-and-child, even if I’m on my own – I always do it.

Channel 5

“I don’t give a crap what people think of me. I’ll do what I want. I can’t fit out of my car – I’m too big. I don’t think it is selfish, I really don’t.


“People take it way over the top because you’re parking in a bloody parent-and-child bay. They want to bloody fight you like Mike Tyson would.

“I still think anybody should be able to park there and that’s not being selfish. I think I should have my own bay saying, ‘The Greek Stallion’s Bay.”

Channel 5

“A woman pointed out that it was a parent-and-child bay and I couldn’t park there but then she started shouting abuse at me for parking there.”


“My partner Kate was pregnant at the time so we couldn’t park in the normal bays because they were not wide enough for us to get out which I explained to the lady and she called me a tight a***.”

Channel 5

He says he should have been allowed to use the space as his girlfriend was pregnant at the time and they both wanted to exit the car.


He added: “When people are taking up lines in parking bays or using two spaces, that’s annoying, but if someone needs to use the parent-and-child bay they should be able to do it without any judgement.”


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