Categories: Healthlife

Answers To Questions That You Were Too Embarrassed To Ask Your Gynecologist

Every girl is worried about her period’s timing, just right before our periods we start thinking and check the calendar.


We worry whether our period is going to be alright and on time. Unexpected periods can be very uncomfortable or cause a panic.

It’s really important to take care of our health. That’s why you should know the answers to the most common questions about periods.


1.Should I worry if my periods are not on time?

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Every woman is different.point 170 | The cycle of periods can go from 21 to 35 days.point 207 |


Also, some woman might notice changes in her period’s dates: Sometimes you notice periods came earlier this month, and it came.point 113 | Periods length is also different with every woman.point 156 | Generally, most women’s periods last from about 4 to 7 days, you see light spots in the starting of periods, then the flow gets heavier, and gets lighter as the days pass on.point 300 |


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2.How to find the difference in period and just spotting


Period blood is dark red and notices it contains the particles of the mucous membranes lining the uterine cavity (endometrium). Sometimes we see only spots, it is very light brown discharge that comes between menstrual periods, but don’t worry this discharge isn’t dangerous.


Doctors don’t treat light discharge that comes during ovulation as a pathological issue. It happens because of a drop in estrogen which is the female sex hormone. Due to this, some women feel ovulation and pain in the lower abdomen a few days before or after ovulation.


3.When is it recommended to see a doctor for bleeding between periods?


Irregular bleeding tells that something’s wrong. Every woman should pay attention to discharge after ovulation during the luteal phase. The yellow body, a temporary endocrine structure, appears and starts to produce progesterone.


This hormone restores the endometrium and helps in pregnancy to females. The low level of progesterone occurs irregular bleeding. Consult a doctor when bleeding caused by using birth control dosage or if you experience pain in the lower abdomen or a fever.


4.What is the connection between birth control pills and a fake period?

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Many women think when they stop taking birth control, on your 7-day break, they will get a normal period.point 257 |


In reality, it can be withdrawal bleeding or a fake period.point 49 | It comes shortly than a regular period, less painful, and bleeding isn’t that heavy.point 122 | A regular period can occur when a woman stops taking birth control.point 178 | It takes from 6 to 12 months to restore a normal menstrual cycle.point 231 |


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5.What do you do if contact bleeding occurs?


Some bleeding occur when you make contact with your partners, like sexual intercourse or a physical exam. The blood is bright red in this case. If the bleeding is not severe, contact bleeding won’t last long. But if you don’t find it normal, you should contact a doctor immediately.



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