Categories: Entertainmentlife

The Simplest Things We’ve Been Lied About

Sometimes, we expect something but it turns out as completely different.


In our daily life things look really different from they actually are. We go through life expecting things to be a certain way without questioning them.

In everyday life, we face with evidence that shatters the world we thought we knew. As our brains struggle to digest this new order, it makes us think that everything we’ve ever believed in was true or lie?


These images will make you gasp, “My life is a lie!”

1. Is another one behind the second plug?

2. Someone found the idea to save time on folding towels.


3. “The close-door button fell off, revealing it was never connected to the control panel.”


4. Ohh..so how they get lawns to look so perfect in movies.

5. This is the right way to wear a bobby pin.


6. So simple, why we never think of it ourselves.

7. Empty amplifiers at a rock concert. Are You Serious?


8. This whole time we thought they were swimming.

9. The Teletubbies are actually 10 feet tall.


10. Apparently, pineapples don’t actually grow on trees.



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