Categories: lifenewsnews

New Study Finds People Who Drink A Glass Of Wine A Day Are Less Likely To Be Depressed

Watch the video of the world’s oldest twins recommend a good glass of wine a day


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New research suggests people who drink a glass of wine a day are less likely to be depressed than those who don’t drink alcohol.

Researchers in Sweden found out by tracking the lifestyle habits of more than 5,000 people from 1998 to 2010 that people who drink a glass of wine a day have a lower risk of depression.

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The people with the best mental health drank up to 14 units of alcohol a week while those who never drank alcohol had a 70-percent higher risk of depression.


The new study, which was published in the Acta Psychiatrica of Scandinavia, part of a group of scientific journals, suggests that a glass of wine a day is good for your mental health.

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However, psychologist Sir Cary Lynn Cooper told the Sun: ‘Going to the pub helps people unburden themselves. The tricky bit is knowing how much — too much is bad for mental and physical health.’

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Excessive drinking has been proven to be bad for your mental and physical health. But, the study suggests a glass of wine a day won’t be bad for your mental and physical health.


Well, this is definitely good news for wine lovers as they now have a good reason to drink alcohol.




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