Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Many People Do You See In This Vintage Painting?

A vintage-looking optical illusion has gone viral after viewers were challenged to count all of the people in the graphic.


It’s time to put your observation skills to the ultimate test with a confusing painting that features a senior man. As you will quickly notice, the portrait is also home to several other people. Can you count them all?

Source – BhaviniOnline

Take a close look at the picture above and tell us how many people have you spotted. We can guarantee that the majority of viewers won’t find them all.


While some figures are cleverly hidden in the face of the old man, others are hiding in his hair.

Before you check out the solution below, let us know how many people you spotted and how long it took you to do so.

Source – Pixabay

After you share your results, take a look at the pic below for a detailed answer.


Your job was to find 14 people! If you found them all, congratulations. And if not, don’t worry, we’ll soon start with our next challenge.

Source – BhaviniOnline

In our next visual test, you’ll be looking for ducks. Take a closer look at the picture below and tell us what you see.


While one can only see nine ducks at first glance, there are many, many more hiding in the picture. Take your time and let us know what your final answer is!

Source – BhaviniOnline

How many ducks did you find? Would you be surprised if we told you there are 16 birds in total?


If you didn’t find all 16 of them, feel free to check out the pic again before scrolling down to view the solution.

As you may have noticed, some of the hidden ducks are tiny, while others are hiding behind their friends.

Source – BhaviniOnline

What are your thoughts on these challenges? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!