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Passenger On Airplane SCREAMS And Accuses Southwest Airlines Of Racism For Being Kicked Off Of Flight For Not Wearing A Mask

Recently, a passenger has been kicked off of the flight for taking her mask off when going to the restroom.


She had been asked to leave, even though she put her mask back on after using the restroom.

They chose to remove her because other passengers told flight attendants that she wasn’t wearing a mask in the restroom and it made them “uncomfortable.”


Although she started to leave the plane, she gave those on the plane a piece of her mind. She exclaims, “Who’s processing my refund? Because now I’ve got to buy another flight for no f***ing reason, so process the refund.” They urge her to leave the plan immediately, and she’s angry, yelling “No mask? I have a mask on my f***ing face. Process the refund.”

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Sergio Workman

She then continues, yelling “F*** you.point 152 | F*** all of you because that’s racist as f***.point 196 | I don’t like racism!” She’s shouting down the aisle, her mask slipping down to her chin.point 287 |


She keeps an eye on the flight attendant who asked her to leave, and then told everyone “Everybody in here is gonna know whoever the f***ing attendant is, he was racist and he was mad for two seconds I didn’t have a mask on because I went to a restroom.point 216 |


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She pulls her mask back on and sits in compliance, which she points out, but is asked to get off of the flight. “This is what happens when you’re black in America.”

Sergio Workman

The person who was accompanying the woman tried to comfort her, but fails to do so.  She says that she’s tired and paid her money, yet she’s asked to get off the flight because the flight attendant feels uncomfortable. While leaving, she pulls off her mask and throws it to the floor.


Making a statement, she tells the passengers to “enjoy your flight. You guys all witnessed it. For the first time, when you’re black in America they’ll tell you to get off the flight. I paid an extra $80 for these… I’ve gotta go to work tomorrow. Now I gotta find another flight when I had a mask on my face.”


Even with the rampage that goes on, she says “Y’all have a safe flight and I love everybody on here and god bless every person on this flight.” She also asks someone to record and post it to bring light to the racism that’s been going on in the nation.

Sergio Workman

Someone does listen and posts the video to social media platforms. He tells sources that the flight attendant decided to remove her when he arrived at his seat. When she left the flight, people were talking about what happened but there was no public announcement made from the crew.


Workman, the individual who caught the scene in action, adds that there were “no other passengers actively not wearing their masks but I did witness and hear multiple occasions where passengers were given a chance to correct their face covering versus being removed from the plane.”