Categories: life

One Passenger Lit Up A Cigarette During His US Flight

It’s crazy to see the weird things that passengers do during long flights.


Recently, a passenger confused other passengers by lighting up a cigarette during the mid-flight.

The man took out a cigarette during the morning flight and was captured by the woman who was sitting next to him.

Virag hog

It is known to everyone that smoking on the plane is ban and illegal since 2000, but this guy broke the rule and still smoked.


Another fellow passenger was shocked to see the passenger smoking during the, and he looked around for assistance by pressing the buzzer above his head.

Virag hog

The man was smoking cigarette while relaxing on his seat without giving any care about the people around him.


The flight attendant came to the man and asked him for his boarding pass as it is against the laws, and nobody is allowed to that in the flight.

The law is known to almost everyone, but it was confusing to see this man still smoke while breaking the law.

Virag hog

Just after the attendant asked him to show his boarding pass, he said oh my god before holding his head with his hands.


The woman who was capturing the video said that she could hear the man making loud noises through the flight and just before 40 minutes of landing he was sitting across two seats while his butts were facing towards her.

Virag hog

After getting restless for some time and aggressively flipping the tray, he took out the cigarette and started smoking. Then the woman quickly pulled out her phone to record it, and it can be seen that the man sitting across their seat was shocked.


The flight attendant took the man’s boarding pass, and cigarette and airport police took him just after the flight landed.

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