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Unexpected Action Of A Passenger Alerted The Authorities! A Passenger Found Walking On The Wing Of A Plane

A strange passenger left the plane via the emergency door and started walking onto the wing, leaving the authorities flabbergasted.


Source: CNN

This unexpected incident occurred in Miami when a flight from Columbia landed at the airport. A passenger who claimed that he was in danger left the plane through the emergency gate and started strolling onto the wing, when the plane just landed at the Miami International Airport. This incident happened on the previous Wednesday.

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Source: CNN

When the authorities saw this happening, they instantly reached the strange passenger and started an investigation about his dangerous action.point 233 |


It is not allowed to walk onto the wing of a plane, and the passenger was certainly aware of this fact.point 83 | The police department is still unaware of the danger, the man was claiming, as apparently everything was fine on the plane during the flight.point 201 | 1

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First, a police officer confronted him, and later this US resident was detained by US Customs and Border Protection.point 212 |


Surprisingly, the individual fell ill during the process of investigation and was immediately transferred to the Jackson Memorial Hospital.point 121 | Unexpectedly he tried to run away from the hospital and tried to physically resist the members of the police department and the hospital authorities.point 247 | 1

Source: WIRED

It was disclosed that the fight from coming from Columbia and reached the Miami International Airport on time. It was American Airlines 920 and was getting into position at the gate after landing when this passenger attempted the action.


Now, after the failed escape attempt, the passenger is back in the custody of the police and will remain there until his official discharge from the hospital as suggested by the medical officers. It is further revealed that the man will be placed in the Rehabilitation Department afterward.

Source: Wanderlust Storytellers

Share this article with people around you and let others know how people act in some cases. Also, forbade your friends from doing this kind of dangerous action. Nothing is more important than the life of a person.