Categories: life

Parents Outraged After Children Were Given Questions About Assault For Their Homework

Parents have been outraged after their 14-year-old children were given homework consisting of disturbing questions about sexual assault.


The incident occurred at Houston-based Klein Collins High School where the teens, aged between 14 and 15, were assigned a task to find out who the rapist in the hypothetical scenario is.


“Suzy was assaulted in an alley and is a victim of rape. The police collected a sample of sperm that was left at the crime scene and now have three suspects in custody. Which of the suspects raped Suzy?” the question read.


According to the reports, approximately nine dozen students were handed over the controversial assignment.


Soon enough, the pictures of the homework went viral, whereas the parents of children who received the assignment were quick to slam the school.


“It’s upsetting and I know girls this age, just the thought… they know that rape is forced non-consensual sex and that upsets them. That’s why I can’t fathom a teacher putting that on a test,” mum Cookie VonHaven said in an interview with KPRC2.


Another upset parent was Dana Duplantier who couldn’t comprehend how the question ended up in children’s homework.


“Wouldn’t [they] have to get that approved by the school board or teachers or something to put that in there?” she said.

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Following a widespread backlash, the school board decided to apologize for the ‘mistake’ and reassured parents that such content isn’t a part of their curriculum.

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Jack Hollingsworth – Photodisc – Getty Images

“The assignment is not part of the District’s approved curriculum and is by no means representative of the District’s instructional philosophy.point 292 |


The District has investigated the source of the materials and appropriate corrective action has been taken,” they wrote in a statement.point 117 | 1

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