Categories: Familylife

Parent Outraged After 7-Year-Old Son Came Home From School With Flyer Inappropriate For Kids

A parent got furious after a children’s elementary school passed out flyer prompting a three-day clinic access to free contraception and free condoms.


During a school board meeting, Richard Penkoski spoke out about a flyer that his son took home from his class at the Mary Hughes School.


The flyer promoted three-day clinic access to contraception and condoms and the event will be hosted by the Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corps.


One side of the flyer promoted free vision, dental and medical services while the other offered ‘free birth control and pre-pregnancy services.’

The flyer in question also advertised free ‘implants, (intrauterine devices), pills, condoms and more.”


Penkonski asked during the board meeting: “What is more, exactly? And why was this given to my 7 year old?

“Since when is it the school’s job to give information to my child about birth control? When did the public schools decide they can teach my child issues regarding morality and sex?”


The outraged dad also said that he is upset as the flyer almost forced him to explain sex to his 7-year-old son.

“I know liberals on this council, specifically, will say something like, ‘Well, schools teach reproduction.’ You are right,” Penkoski added. “They do teach biological facts in regard to reproduction. This flyer is not talking about reproduction. It teaches birth control. I also can’t help but notice that abstinence is not on this list.”


Penkonsi, a Christian activist running the online ministry Warriors for Christ, also said: “The public schools think they have the right to usurp my authority as their father. This school does not have that right.”


David Cox, the Sullivan County Director of Schools, admitted that the flyers were distributed to make sure that financially challenged families knew about the three-day health clinic event.

But Penkonsi doesn’t believe Cox’s reasons. “The school can say ‘inadvertent’ all they want, but that is like accidentally giving a child with a peanut allergy a peanut.”


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