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‘My World CRUMBLED After Overhearing My Husband’s SECRET While We Are Dealing With His Suspected Cancer But Should I Let It Slide?’

A woman has shared how her world crumbled after discovering her husband’s secret while enduring an ‘emotional day’ of medical tests.


Posting on Reddit, the woman explained that she was ‘ten minutes away from her 60th birthday’ when she overheard her husband of 35 years having a phone conversation.

She said that her husband “was outside on the porch and I could hear him talking…. [I was] wondering who he was talking to because no one else is here except his dad who was in his bedroom so I listened.”


The woman continued: “I heard him say stuff like I love you more than anything, you are my soul mate but we cant start our life together until I know if I have cancer or not because I don’t want to burden you with that, he went on to say when his biopsy appointment was and again stating how much he loved this person.”


Her husband has never declared his love to her and never referred to her as his soulmate, leaving her baffled and shocked by what she was hearing.

“Do I shut my mouth and sit back and watch how this plays out, it is tempting to watch him lie and cheat and not know that I know,” she added.


Reddit users were quick to share their thoughts on the matter, with one person commenting: “Your 60th birthday present to yourself should be freedom.”


Another wrote: “You need to do a deep dive on finances to make sure you understand where everything sits and that he’s not made any financial moves in anticipation of leaving you.”

A third added: “Confront him asap! He’s choosing to stay with you if he has cancer bc he knows you’ll take care of him. Honey if you had cancer he’d leave you.”


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