Categories: Familylife

‘I Can’t Get A Boyfriend Because I’m TOO HOT And Men Are Afraid To Ask Me Out’

A woman who is “chronically single” has spoken out and claimed she can’t get a boyfriend because she is too hot.


24-year-old Hope Schwing is an influencer from Los Angeles, California, who hasn’t been in a serious relationship and hasn’t even done all that much dating.

©@hope_schwing – Jam Press

As the young woman said, she is always single because men feel intimidated by her. She also blamed her beauty on her inability to settle down and start a serious relationship.


“No one talks about how hard it is to be literally so hot that you can’t get a boyfriend because all men are extremely intimidated by and scared of you. Being incredibly hot is honestly a curse,” she wrote in a caption of her viral video.

After the clip went viral, Hope quickly clarified that her message was meant as a satire because she loves making jokes about being single.

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©@hope_schwing – Jam Press

“I make jokes about being single and how I ‘hate’ it, but I’m totally fine being single for as long as I need to be.point 230 |


The video stating I’m ‘too intimidating and hot’ – I don’t actually mean that.point 75 | I just notice a trend among women saying these things to explain why they’re single,” the influencer admitted in a statement obtained by NeedToKnow.point 204 |


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“It’s a more empowering – possibly false – way of hyping ourselves up and making light of being chronically single.

“I thought it was pretty obvious in my video it was satire and me being existential and dramatic, but clearly that wasn’t delivered.”

©@hope_schwing – Jam Press

Hope also revealed that plenty of women have since her video racked up millions of views reached out and insisted they, too, found themselves in a similar situation.


Meanwhile, Hope says men didn’t take the satire too well, whereas many viewers went on to call her ugly and brand her as a liar.

“I don’t have a ton of experience dating because I don’t really have an urgency to date,” she concluded.

©@hope_schwing – Jam Press

“I’m a busy gal and I think when it’s time for me to date, it’ll come to me. I don’t think I’ll be the one chasing it. Being I’ve been independent my whole life, I’m used to being single.


“In Los Angeles, dating is nearly impossible it seems. Everyone is busy or just not ready for commitment, which I totally understand.”

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