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‘Our Neighbor’s Dog Bit My Partner And Now He Wants Us To Pay $13,000 To Keep His Pets Away From Us’

A frustrated mother has shared how their neighbor wanted them to pay $13,000 to keep his dogs away after one of the German shepherds bit her partner.


The mom took to Mumsnet and explained that her neighbor has made his dogs learn aggressive behaviors, leaving them and their young children ‘terrified.’

“We own a small field at the back of our house which our children (4 and 6) use to play in. it’s alongside a neighbor’s field which also runs along the back of our garden, so we’re pretty much surrounded by his land,” she wrote.

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“We got on really well with him, but then in lockdown, he got two German shepherd puppies,” the mother continued.


“They’re not socialized and he disciplined them by hitting them and pulling their tails (awful to see). It’s resulted in the dogs being very aggressive!

“Whenever we go out on to our land they go crazy, running at the 4ft stock fence, barking and growling. They track our girls as if hunting them and they stick their heads through the wire on to our land trying to bite us. It’s terrifying.”

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The mother claims their neighbor doesn’t want to do anything about his dogs’ aggressive behavior because he ‘likes’ them that way.


“He reassured us he was going to get behavior training for them and get them neutered, but he’s since said that the vet refused to neuter them because they were too aggressive to have in the vets!” she went on.

“He’s said he likes them aggressive so he’s not going to do anything about it.


“They’ve bitten him twice to the point he’s needed stitches and they bit my partner really badly, breaking the skin and causing swelling and bruising.”


The mom also said that their neighbor told her she must pay $13,000 for taller and stronger fencing to keep her family protected.


People were appalled by the neighbor’s actions, with one person writing: “You need to report every single time the dogs are on your land and every single time you see them mistreated. Makes me so angry that he has made these dogs this way.”


Another wrote: “The relationship with your neighbor is already beyond repair and he’s a cruel animal abuser so I would keep reporting him to the police.”


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