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Mother-Of-Two Who Ate $120,000 Chip Without Knowing Now Warns Others To Watch Out For Any Heart-Shaped Walkers Chip

A mother-of-two who accidentally ate a $120,000 chip before her work is now warning others who buy Walkers.


Dawn Sagar has shared how she was enjoying a snack before her work when she stumbled upon a heart-shaped chip in a bag of Ready Salted chips.

But what she didn’t know was that Walkers is offering a huge cash prize for anyone who finds and saves the best heart-shaped chip!

Dawn Sagar

Dawn said she took a photo of the heart-shaped chip and sent it to her friends before munching it away.

But by the time she received a reply about how she could receive £100,000 ($120,000), it was already too late.


“I was gutted, but you know what, it is not the end of the world, is it? It would have made my life a little bit happier, but I haven’t got the money so it doesn’t make a difference,” she said.

Dawn Sagar

“Everyone’s like, ‘oh my God you could have had the money,’ but it doesn’t matter. I haven’t got that money in my life. It might have made me miserable,” the 40-year-old mom added.


Dawn is now urging others to check for any unusual shapes to avoid the same mistake.

“Every time I serve somebody with a pack of Walkers ‘I’m like, check if you’ve got a heart and don’t eat it,’” she said.

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Dawn Sagar

A spokesperson for Walkers said: “We’re very sorry to hear of Dawn’s mishap, but all is not lost – heart shaped crisps naturally occur in many packets of our Walkers crisps, and as the competition doesn’t close until midnight on 20th March, there’s still plenty of time to find the best heart shaped crisp, and win £100,000 ($120,000).point 600 |


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