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JUST IN: Meghan Markle To RE-LAUNCH Herself And Could Earn $1 Million Per POST As Experts Claim ‘Everyone In Hollywood Is Talking About Her’

Meghan Markle is set to ‘re-launch’ herself and could earn $1 million per post on Instagram, experts claim.


The Duchess of Sussex is reportedly behind a new Instagram account named ‘meghan,’ which is decorated with a photo of her favorite flowers – pink peonies.

“Yes, that’s her. Expect an announcement very soon. She’s coming back,” a source close to the Suits star confirmed.


Meghan’s new Instagram account is already followed by her friends, with a source telling The Mail: “Everyone in Hollywood is talking about the re-launch being imminent. Meghan has never made any secret of the fact she wants to return to Instagram.”


The duchess first announced her plan to return to the social media platform during an interview with The Cut in 2022.

She told writer Allison P. Davis: “Do you want to know a secret? I’m getting back on Instagram.”

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Social media expert Eric Schiffer said: “I don’t think Meghan coming back to Instagram will surprise anyone. She has a new talent manager and this is the next logical step.


“I would expect her to quickly become one of the most followed accounts on Instagram. You have celebrities like the Kardashians who can command $1million and up for a single post promoting product.

“There is no reason Meghan couldn’t be earning those sorts of fees.”


Schiffer added: “She has to be careful, as a duchess, to avoid being seen to be hawking every product under the sun. She will align with quality brands and companies that are on point with her political and social beliefs.”

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Marketing expert Kent Moore also said that Meghan’s unique status could allow her to change a million dollars per post as a minimum as she is a celebrity, actress and royalty.


“Brands could want to align with her for campaigns over a couple of years, featuring several posts and even personal appearances,” Moore said.

“Those type of deals could come in well over the $12million mark and even as much as $20million.”


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