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JUST IN: Megan Fox Faces BACKLASH After Asking Fans To DONATE $30,000 To A GoFundMe For Her Friend’s Dad

Megan Fox has sparked outrage on social media after she asked fans to donate $30,000 to a GoFundMe for her friend’s father, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.


The actress shared a screenshot of the GoFundMe page on her Instagram story to help the father of her friend Brittney Boyce with medical expenses.

Boyce said that she is asking for donations so her father can ‘focus on himself and not the stress on finances.’

Instagram Story

“Hi guys, my dad was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was having some health issues last month and was finally able to get in to see his doctor last week for a CT Scan,” Boyce wrote, adding that cancer was the last thing they expected.


“He’s only 65 years old and still working wasn’t planning on retiring anytime soon,” she went on.

After learning of her friend’s dilemma, Megan shared a screenshot and link with the caption: “My friend’s dad was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer if you guys are able to help please do.”

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But the Jennifer’s Body actress has been slammed online, with many claiming that she has a net worth of around $8 million.


One furious fan wrote: “Megan Fox sharing a GoFundMe for 30k has got to be a joke. As if she isn’t rich as f**k and could help their friend immediately lol.”

Another tweeted: “Megan Fox had a $30k manicure for the Grammys. Each mail was solid white gold with diamonds. The go fund me she shared is for her nail techs family cancer fund. The rest of the world is struggling to pay bills but she wants US to donate to HER manicurist?! Get the f*** out.”

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A third said: “Millionaire Megan Fox just posted a GoFundMe on her Instagram story for her friend’s dad’s 30 grand cancer medical bills and I am absolutely speechless.”


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