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‘My Grieving Husband Keeps Calling Me By His Late Wife’s Name Especially In Bed But Am I The One In The Wrong For Getting Upset?’

A woman took to the internet to share her frustration as her husband kept calling her by his late wife’s name.


Writing on Reddit, the wife admitted that she felt sad for him and she couldn’t imagine how he felt after losing his late wife.

Even though she’s trying her best to make him happy, she feels like her efforts are not enough.


The couple then had an argument over which movie to watch and during their disagreement, he called her by his late wife’s name.


The woman said that he apologized and cried but when she talked to him the next day about it, he suddenly ‘got mad.’

“He came home around midnight and he apologized for what happened and how reacted. I told him everything was fine,” she wrote.


But that wasn’t the last time that it happened. While they’re in bed, her husband would mention his ex-wife’s name.


“This time I was mortified, jumped off the bed and moved away from him. He tried to comfort me by giving me a hug and he kept apologizing,” she continued.


“I told him I was going to stay in our guest room. I didn’t sleep at all that night. The next morning, he kept apologizing and told him it’s fine. We talked for a bit, I asked him if he was alright and if he needed to speak to someone professionally.


“He agreed to go speak to someone but he didn’t show up to the appointment that we had set up for him.”


Many Reddit users offered words of advice, with one person commenting: “You just have to be honest and that’s the hard part. I’m widowed, I’d still be married to him had he not died. Had he not died, I would never have met my current husband, who’s a great husband, I am the luckiest woman alive. But it never really goes away.


“We’re able to talk about it, acknowledge there’s a past and a present which would not have happened without the former. Both men are very much a part of my present, with equal value and love.”

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