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‘My Co-Worker Keeps Eating My DOG’s Food And Now I Have A Plan To Catch Him Out!’

Most people agree that in every office, there is always one greedy co-worker who likes to help themselves to others’ prepared lunch in the pantry.


This common issue for workers usually involves human food, but one woman has revealed how a colleague kept on eating her dog’s peanut butter and now she is devising a plan to catch the culprit!

After realizing a co-worker has been eating her dog’s treats in work, she wanted to confront her boss and has now hatched a plan to see who the real offender is.


Taking to Mumsnet, the woman explained that she brings her dog to work once a week.

“To keep him entertained if he gets a bit fed up, I put some of his peanut butter on a lucky mat for him,” she wrote.


“Went to the jar today and I swear it has gone down since last time – colleague says they haven’t touched it, surely the dog hasn’t helped himself so that just leaves the boss,” she said.


Because she did not want to embarrass her boss by confronting him outright, the woman who goes under the username AplacaBag on Mumsnet said that she has “drawn a tiny mark on the jar to monitor the situation.”


While waiting for the results, she asked people on the internet whether she should “bring him a bone and tell him he’s a good boy” or just let his boss carry on.

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One person commented: “Let your dog lick the peanut butter directly from the jar. Take a picture. Share it with your boss with the caption, ‘Awww, he loves his peanut butter. He’d lick the jar clean if I let him.’”


Another wrote: “Throw a stick while your work colleagues are around, whoever makes a dash for it must be the dog food thief.”

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