Categories: Foodlife

Nutritional Benefits Of Drinking Orange Juice

We love to take fresh orange juice in the morning.


It is not only refreshing but, it has many nutritional benefits, too.

Orange juice and oranges are a great option as a snack because they are full of nutrients and are low in calories.

Oranges contain over 60 flavonoids and over 170 different phytochemicals, which are known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. We share the list of health benefits of oranges so you will consume more orange juice and oranges on a regular basis.

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Health Benefits of Fresh Orange Juice:

1 Heart Health

Orange juice helps in preventing heart disorders. Hesperidin is known as a plant-based substance that helps in protecting your arteries from being clogged through the improvement of the health of nearby cells. Oranges have hesperidin insufficient amount. Therefore, if you drink 1 glass freshly squeezed orange juice it lower risks of heart attacks.


2 Lowers Blood Pressure

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This water-soluble plant compound also impacts the functioning and activity of small blood vessels. The study has associated this powerful antioxidant to a decreased chance of cardiovascular diseases and a reduction in overall blood pressure.


3 Prevents Cancer

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Oranges have vitamin C in large amount it works as an antioxidant, and as protection against various types of cancers.point 225 |


This is why orange juice is recommended in keeping your DNA of healthy cells from turning to cancerous ones.point 90 | Orange juice also contains hesperidin, which is an important antioxidant and helps in reducing the growth of tumors.point 189 |  point 191 | 1

4 Prevents Kidney Stones


Kidney stones are a painful disease, therefore, if you want to fight them off, you should sip on some orange juice regularly.

Orange juice contains citrates and citric acid, which are known to help in reducing the risk of kidney stones. Also, potassium citrate is often prescribed to patients of kidney stone for treatment.


5 Prevents Stroke

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According to the American Heart Association or AHA, consuming higher amounts of a compound present in citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit lower the risk of ischemic stroke in women.


People who take the highest amount of citrus had a 19% lower risk of ischemic stroke, as compared to the women who don’t.