Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Only 1 In 10 Viewers Could Find The Difference Between These Images! But Can You?

This tricky brain teaser is guaranteed to put your observation skills on the spot but can you rise about the challenge.


It’s the ultimate spot-the-difference puzzle that’s creating a stir online. For this reason, we thought it would be interesting for you to give it a shot and see where your eyesight stands when compared to all others. So, are you willing to give it a try? We certainly hope so.

point 0 |
Source: WizIQ Blog

This particular riddle is based upon a famous animated series that many kids of today can’t get enough of.point 210 |


But wait, don’t get tricked into assuming that it’s that easy because it’s not.point 84 | Those with higher IQs and eagle-eyed vision managed to solve it in under 10 seconds.point 154 | Now, it’s time for you to put those observation skills to the test and try it out.point 226 | 1


Remember, pay close attention to the finer details because that’s the biggest hint that will ensure your success towards the end. Good luck and happy solving!

point 139 |
Source: Icon Finder

Spot the difference puzzle

While taking a first glance at the image, we’re sure that there are a number of things that will strike out immediately.point 384 |


But wait, don’t get fooled.point 29 | There is only one subtle difference between both of these pictures and we promise that the illustrators have done great at disguising it.point 144 | Now, take a deep breath, time yourself, and get on with the puzzle.point 199 | 1

Source: YouTube

Do you see it now? If yes, great, let us know in the comments section how you did. Also, don’t forget to mention the take it took you to reach the end successfully.


The right answer

You’ve finally reached the end of the challenge. Scroll down below and let’s see how well you really did!

Source: Mind Tools

The right answer is the little character’s hair in the second picture. Her strand of hair is shorter and missing the little curl towards the end.