Categories: Healthlife

Grandad, 101, Becomes The Oldest Brit To Beat Coronavirus After a Two-Week Battle With The Deadly Illness

The oldest British patient to beat COVID-19 until now is a hundred-and-one-year-old grandfather who was recently released from the hospital and sent back home.


Keith Watson had been battling the disease for 2 weeks and he was discharged after beating coronavirus in his wheelchair.


As per the statistics, the elderly are the most vulnerable and the worst hit by COVID-19.


More than one-fourth of those who contract the disease who are over eighty years of age required to visit the hospital.


Benjamin Watson, Keith’s proud grandson posted on Facebook to reveal that his wonderful grandfather at 101 years contracted COVID-19 and beat it.


He then thanked everyone at NHS and presented his excitement to meet his granddad after everything.


Worcestershire NHS Trust also posted this happy news on Twitter, which shines through the clouds of coronavirus pandemic.


In the post, the workers are standing beside the special patient while he is giving thumbs up and celebrating his victory.

He was driven home by an NHS worker, who felt honored to be able to help the centenarian.

The volunteer ambulance driver, Luke Serrell, said that he volunteered to transfer positive patients in an ambulance because there was a lot that was beating the disease and wanting to go home.


One of such cured patients was Keith, whom he described as a great bloke and added that he was immensely happy on seeing Keith win the fight despite his age.


Luke noted that doing so was scary at times, however, he was proud of being on the frontline.

The staff at the hospital was praised by their bosses and termed Keith’s recovery morale boost.

Matthew Hopkins, Worcestershire NHS Trust’s Chief Executive said that people should decrease the pressure put on the hospitals by following social distancing guidelines as well as maintaining hygiene.


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